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Official Website of Author, Speaker, People Strategist and Change Management Thought Leader

Tony Holmwood


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Behaviours express how we act toward, interact with, react to, others, situations and events. Behaviours are how we respond to our environment. Knowing how behaviours influence our capability helps us to be more adaptable, learn, unlearn, relearn and grow. 

First released on May 30, 2019, "Best Behaviour" provides practical tools and approaches to help HR and leadership transform cultures, encourage change adoption and instil a culture of high performance growth and profitability.

The book sets out leadership and team based approaches to promote productive environments and to help HR professionals and managers to motivate and coach change and growth initiatives.

“Best Behaviour” provides the behavioural insights and objectives to enable more adaptive workplaces to encourage experiential learning, personal and organisational development.


by Tony Holmwood



DR JOHN DEMARTINI – Behaviour Thought Leader & International Best-Selling Author of The Values Factor.


“Tony presents some thought provoking and ground breaking insights that will enable HR managers to coach their employees thereby helping them discover their intrinsically driven purpose and engaging and empowering them to more productively develop and grow.”

Tony's book "Best Behaviour" is a definitive guide on how to lead, manage and coach people.  "Best Behaviour" is a comprehensive, research-driven road map that should be on every business owner and corporate leaders bookshelf.  Implementing the information in this book will give the reader an almost unfair advantage in their ability to harness people power

Tony presents a practical and innovative coaching framework that helps HR and line managers build more emotionally intelligent employees - for better business outcomes.

The thing I love about Best Behaviour is that Tony gives the reader a methodology that to the employer and their HR team it feels scalable, but to the individual would feel very tailored and personal. Surely this is the dream HR process.





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"Culture occurs in every conversation so make every interaction count".


I am passionate about people development knowing how my experiences has transformed my life. A commercially focused chartered accountant with substantial business performance experience in large local and global organisations, my recent career journey has provided valuable insights into business transformation and change management. I am also a qualified motivational, behavioural and change practitioner. I have gained a solid appreciation of how people strategies drive business results.

Coming to terms with and overcoming social anxiety has provided a unique appreciation of behaviour. My methods are uncomplicated and intuitive with the objective of reducing organisational complexity so strategy can evolve and adjust to community needs and market forces. 

My business performance, transformation and change career highlights include the following:

1.    Worked with the CFO of Fonterra in New Zealand to lead a project to reduce corporate costs by 20% amounting to savings of over $NZ150 million per annum.

2.    Consistently grew revenue from between 35% to 40% per annum over a 6 year period while working in business performance (Australia) and sales planning (Asia Pacific) roles at Oracle.

3.    Worked on an award winning project at the Victorian government as principal change manager to transition over 2,500 unique users onto consolidated financial systems.





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For agile, change-ready organisations in search of value and compassionate to employee needs, there is substantial opportunity in creating dynamic employee-centric cultures. Best Behaviour explores innovative approaches to organisational development to encourage adaptive growth cultures.

News and Events

Upcoming Events

  • Wed, 11 Nov
    Sign-up to the WBECS 2020 Summit
    11 Nov 2020, 8:00 am – 9:30 am AEDT
    Research supports 50-70% of an organisation's culture is influenced by leadership behaviour. Transformational leaders know who they are and where they've come from, and are guided by social connection, collective awareness, and wisdom.
  • 06 Aug 2020, 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm AEST
    Tony will present his behavioural development framework from his internationally accredited and awarded book “Best Behaviour”. Tony will introduce Outperf4m's cultural change workshops designed to prepare HR and business leaders to successfully design and lead culture change.
  • Tue, 05 May
    BrightTalk HR Transformation Summit
    05 May 2020, 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm AEST
    Tony covers how environmental factors, perceptions and self-value influence capability growth and how 50-70% of an organisations culture is influenced by leadership behaviour. Learn how to instil a high performance culture.
  • 20 Aug 2019, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm AEST
    Join Mindfulness expert Sabina Vitacca and myself in a live zoom presentation on how mindfulness and emotional intelligence can make you a more effective manager next Tuesday at 1PM for approximately 45 minutes. Please copy the following event details into your calendar.
  • 19 June 2019, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
    In this presentation I introduce my groundbreaking Balanced Behavioural Development Model – which will help HR departments and business leaders supercharge growth and profitability.
  • Thu, 30 May
    East Sydney Community and Arts Centre
    30 May 2019, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
    Join us for the launch of "Best Behaviour", a book by Tony Holmwood.
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